Rugby Lions Club launches Project Joy 2010
Christmas is right around the corner and once again the Rugby Lions Club will sponsor Project Joy 2010 during the holiday season. Lions Lila Harstad and Brenda Foster will co-chair the project. They will work with the Pierce County Social Services Board to collect applications for participation in Project Joy 2010.
Some families within the community and Pierce County may not be accessing social services. Families in need who would like to be included this year may send a formal request by Dec. 3 to Rugby Lions Club, Attention: Project Joy, PO Box 251, Rugby, N.D. 58368. Please include the age, gender, and clothing size of children in the family along with a wish list for each one. All requests will be kept confidential.
Items requested will be written on “Gift Tree” cards, without names, and placed on the Project Joy 2010 Christmas trees located at Pamida, Borth’s, and Hardware Hank beginning Wednesday, Nov. 24.
Gift cards and financial donations can be gifted to Project Joy 2010 beginning immediately. Other ways to donate are by purchasing gift certificates from any Rugby business or by giving a financial donation to the Rugby Lions Club Project Joy 2010 at any of the four bank locations in town.
New this year to Project Joy 2010, the Lions have teamed up with Borth’s Department Store on “Warm Coats for Project Joy.” Any gently used winter coat can be donated to Project Joy 2010 by bringing it to Borth’s Department Store. Donors will receive a $5.00 in-store coupon. Coats cannot have any missing buttons, tears, or stains, and must be cleaned in order to receive the in-store coupon at Borth’s. The “Warm Coats” collected will be available to Project Joy 2010 participants the day of distribution, tentatively set for Tuesday, Dec. 21.
Staff report