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Lions held charter night Oct. 4

By Staff | Oct 25, 2010

The Rugby Lions Club observed its 82nd annual charter night on Oct. 4. Guest speaker for the evening was 5NE District Governor Robert Littlefield. The banquet also served as the club’s awards presentation.

The club has 57 members, of which 16 members achieved 100 percent attendance. They included Kurt Arthur, Pat Bye, Ruth Fedje, Larry Fueller, Hartley Hageness, Lila Harstad, Tilman Hovland, Joni Johnson, Galen Mack, Janet Miller, Jeff Miller, Matt Mullally, Charles Repnow, Don Srock, Betty Triplett, and Craig Wollenburg.

Rob Hovland and Jeff Miller were presented 10-year chevrons, while Lance Johnson and Galen Mack were presented 20-year chevrons. Past President Larry Fueller was presented with a plaque for his service during the 2009-2010 club year. Judy Jelsing was presented the 2010 Gazebo award and Sandy Wurgler was presented the Lion of the Year award.

Officers for the 2010-2011 year were previously installed. They are: Joni Johnson, president; Larry Fueller, past president; Lila Harstad, 1st vice president; Pat Bye, 2nd vice president; Don Srock, 3rd vice president; Jan Coca, secretary; Janet Miller, treasurer; Kurt Arthur, lion tamer; Galen Mack, tail twister; Judy Jelsing, Brenda Foster and Sandy Wurgler, one-year directors; Luis Coca, Daryl Jelsing and Kurt Arthur, two-year directors.

Lila Harstad and Brenda Foster will serve as the Project Joy co-chairs, Kathy Kirchofner as the Music in the Park director, Pat Bye as the program director, and Jeff Miller as the membership director.