Board meets to review renovation and addition plans
When the Rugby School board met on Tuesday, October 12, they met first with a representative from Zerr Berg Architects at 7:00 p.m.
In a special meeting to review the plans for the proposed $6 million school renovation and addition project, suggestions were shared. The architect’s representative showed the blueprints to each board member and went over each area to be worked on.
The plan for the wing of the school that was built in 1955 will include the remodel of several classrooms along with the installation of a new heating and cooling system.
Part of the project focuses on removing asbestos tile in hallways, classrooms and the cafeteria, as well as remodeling the vocational and agricultural areas, the music department and auditorium.
New construction will be to the west of the existing gym. It would create space for a cafeteria, administrative offices and reception area. This would change the main entrance to the junior-senior high school campus from the west side to the north side.
Everything would be handicapped-accessible as required by law.
Going over the blueprints and discussing the hiring of a construction manager took a little over an hour.
The regular school board meeting was called to order following the special meeting.
The first order of business was to discuss the hiring of a construction manager. The committee had met and interveiwed three candidates for the position of construction manager.
Chuck Volk said he had interveiwed three candidates for construction manager and it made him realize how important it is to have a CM. Volk moved to offer the position to MBA. Mark Hamilton seconded the motion. All board members were present and voted in favor.
The board will need to negotiate with MBA and then approve the formal contract.
The Facilities Usage Policy was reviewed but tabled for more information.
The board voted on a calendar revision. Four early-outs are acceptable by law for professional development for teachers. Superintendent Jeff Lind recommended 1:30 p.m. dismissals on Wednesday, November 24, Friday, December 17 and Wednesday, May 25. Three of the four days are in conjunction with school breaks and the fourth is the last day of school. School would be dismissed early and the teachers would stay. All members voted in favor of granting these four early dismissal days for professional development.
It was decided by the board that the superintendent’s contract discussion would be tabled until the November meeting.
In further business:
* The elementary principal reported on fall academic assessments for the students. He told the board that the North Dakota State Assessments test would be given on Monday, October 25 for grades 3-8 and 11.
*Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2 and Thursday, November 4 at Ely Elementary and the jr./sr. high school.
* Teachers have attended some educational conferences. The ND School Board and the North Dakota Teachers conventions are coming up.
*Voice mail has been installed and is working
*The gym sound system will be installed over teacher convention days.