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’09 street project is wrapping up

By Staff | Sep 17, 2010

Roger Grimsley, engineer for Rugby’s District 1- 2009 street improvement project, reported at the last city council meeting that street work was essentially done except for seeding and one gutter which needed repairing.

These two items were expected to be completed this past week. The work needed to be finished before the one year warranty expired. The warranty for the 2009 project expired on September 8, according to Grimsley.

Bituminous Paving, Inc. was general contrator for the 2009 project and another project this July which included installing concrete valley gutters at intersections to improve drainage. This additional project will cost the city just over $104,000 and will be under warranty until July of 2011.

The company also installed new curb and gutter at a handful of residences for just over $2,000. Property owners requested these and agreed to be assessed for them.