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Trailer mishap forces N.D. 3 to be temporarily closed

By Staff | Jun 25, 2010

A section of N.D. Highway 3 a few miles north of the Selz turn had to be closed temporarily on June 23 as crews worked to pick up a mobile home on the side of the road which had fallen off a semi tractor trailer a day earlier, according to a report from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.

The semi driver had moved over to allow a passing car to have extra room, and one of the truck’s wheels left the surface, causing the load on top to shift and eventually the mobile home fell off in the ditch on the opposite side.

The highway needed to be closed for a few hours in order for a crane to be positioned on the road to pick up the structure and put it on a trailer.

It was a Manitoba moving company that was transporting the trailer home. The driver’s name, however, was not released.