District 7 Democrats announce their candidates
Cindy Shattuck has spent the past eight years as Velva’s mayor, but she’s ready to broaden her horizon serving the public.
Shattuck was recently endorsed by the District 7 Democratic NPL party to run for House of Representatives.
She looks at this opportunity to continue to represent people and work to improve communities and better the district. Although the district is quite expansive, people share a lot of issues and concerns, she adds.
Shattuck is joined on the party ticket by Senator Ryan Taylor, of Towner; and House of Rep. candidate Marie Marshall, of Towner.
Shattuck, who is employed as credit manager for Verendrye Electric Cooperative, will draw on Taylor’s and Marshall’s experiences in running for legislative seats.
“We look at this as a team effort,’ Shattuck adds. “I’m looking forward to meeting people of the district and listening to their concerns.”
Taylor has represented District 7 the past two terms as state senator, and during that time has served on the Education and Agriculture committees. A few key issues he’s been involved in were legislation to revamp K-12 education funding, decreasing the local property tax share, and additional state funds for school bus transportation in rural districts.
Taylor, who ranches south of Towner, is looking forward to the opportunity to again run, noting he has enjoyed the four sessions he’s serve in Bismarck, but feels he has more to contribute for the good of the district and the legislative process.
Taylor said issues that first come to mind that have the greatest impact on the district includes how we support and fund local public schools; pay for roads, highways and other infrastructure; and strengthen health care.
Marshall will be running for a House of Rep. legislative seat for a second time. She ran four years and garnered plenty of votes, but did not get elected.
The fact she ran a strong campaign was one of the motivating factors in a decision to run again. The experience of running four years ago will be a benefit in this campaign.
“Maybe this time if I work a little harder, I can gain more support from the people of the district,” Marshall said.
She has been employed with North Dakota Ag Statistics for the past 15 years, most recently as a field supervisor.
Marshall believes that experience and her involvement in other ag-related boards and services in the region, makes her an informed candidate relating to those issues.
All three candidates are active in their communities, taking part in community organizations and projects. They also have, and continue to serve on state, regional and local boards.
Dick Bergstad, District 7 party chairman, said the candidates each have different backgrounds, but are well connected to the needs and the issues.