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HACTC inmates to be part of Rugby census count

By Staff | Mar 5, 2010

The last time the U.S. Census was conducted 10 years ago Rugby did not have a regional jail and drug treatment center.

So in case you’re wondering, yes, the inmates presently housed at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center (HACTC) will be added to the city’s total population figure for the 2010 census, according census officials.

As of March 3, the inmate count at the HACTC was 118, according to Elaine Little, administrator, and the facility’s boardings have been between 100-120 for the past few months.

Census workers are scheduled to come to the facility in early April to conduct a count and Little expects the jail population numbers should remain above 100.

Including the inmates in the city’s total population will provide a significant financial boost over the next 10 years. It’s estimated that for every one person counted, $1,000 in government subsidies is received. Those funds come in the form of highway distribution aid, education grants, social service funds, Homeland Security grants and other programs.

In addition, people living in long term care facilities or nursing homes will also be included in the city’s population.

A complete count committee has been formed to help promote the census and encourage Pierce County residents to take part.