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Long range planning meeting set

By Staff | Feb 18, 2010

The Rugby School Board is in the middle of planning extensive extensive renovation work at its two school buildings – Rugby Jr.-Sr. High and Ely Elementary – in the future.

And that status of the project will be one of the talking points at the school district’s long term planning meeting on April 19.

The district is required by law every two years to hold a public meeting to share what long term plans school officials have developed to address such important issues as facility upgrades and repairs.

This year’s meeting is fitting, since the district is in the middle of planning facility improvements.

Board members have indicated they would like the district’s architect to supply a video presentation on the planned building improvements.

District officials will also review enrollment projections and break down curriculum changes and other key issues facing the district in the coming years.

The April 19 meeting will start 7 p.m. at the Rugby Jr.-Sr. High.

Those attending will have the opportunity to give input and ask questions.