Most notably is the annual two-day rodeo on July 3-4 which is a fixture in the community. There is also the Fourth of July parade."/>
Most notably is the annual two-day rodeo on July 3-4 which is a fixture in the community. There is also the Fourth of July parade."/> Towner planning 125th celebration | News, Sports, Jobs - The Pierce County Tribune
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Towner planning 125th celebration

By Staff | Feb 12, 2010

Planning is underway in Towner for that city’s 125th anniversary celebration in July of 2011.

Todd Thompson, Towner mayor and one of the organizers, said three meetings have been held and the celebration is planned for the first part of July.

“Right now we’re just doing some brainstorming for ideas and looking into some fundraising possibilities,’ he said. “We’ve got some community events already in place to build around.”

Most notably is the annual two-day rodeo on July 3-4 which is a fixture in the community. There is also the Fourth of July parade.

There has been discussion about holding a car show.

Thompson said the organizers are certainly aware that Rugby is also having its 125th celebration that same time.

“We know of some of the entertainment planned and other things going on (in Rugby) and we don’t want to clash,’ Thompson said. “We want to plan events that don’t run up against others.”

Thompson pointed out that both communities have staggered their annual Fourth of July parades so parade entries and residents can take part in both. Hopefully, that same line of thinking will be used when it comes to the celebrations in 2011 for both towns.

Unlike Rugby, however, Towner’s celebration won’t include an all-school reunion. Towner holds one every five years and its last one occurred in 2009. However, organizers do expect a good number of alums to come for the events anyway.