Cattle truck driver injured in rollover
A 27-year-old Saskatchewan man was injured when the semi tractor trailer full of cattle he was driving overturned two miles south of Rugby on N.D. Highway 3 on Jan. 18, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s office and N.D. Highway Patrol. The accident occurred around 8:30 p.m.
LeRoy Vidal, from Rapid View, Sask., was heading south when his vehicle drifted over to the right side of the road putting his passenger-side wheels onto the edge of the highway. The semi trailer tires were pulled into the ditch as Vidal attempted to steer left and put the vehicle back onto the road. The vehicle flipped onto its passenger side and came to a rest on the southbound lane. He was wearing his seatbelt.
Vidal was transported by ambulance to the Heart of America Medical Center and kept overnight for observation, according to the accident report.
Eight of the 45 head of cattle perished in the accident. The semi tractor trailer was totaled in the accident.
The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, Rugby Fire Department, Rugby Ambulance Service, Golden Heart Paramedics, Rugby Police Department along with the N.D. Stockman’s Association assisted on the accident call.