Residents can now file to run for city offices
January 9 is the first day Rugby residents can begin circulating petitions to be placed on the ballot to run in the June 8 city election.
There are four city council terms expiring, one in each of the four wards, the office of mayor as well as three park board seats. All the offices cover four year terms.
The four council members with terms expiring are: Steve Brossart, ward one; Dave Bednarz, ward two; Bill Hartl, ward three; and Monte Schneibel, ward four.
The three park board member with terms expiring are: Ginger Collins, George Dendinger and Rick Larson. Mayor Dale Niewoehner’s term also expires.
Candidates must file paperwork with Karla Harmel, city auditor-administrator, prior to collecting signatures. The number of signatures needed relates to the number of voters in the last city election and varies slightly in the case of council elections. Fifteen signatures are needed in wards one and two; nine in ward three; and 12 in ward four for the council election. Forty-seven signatures are needed to be placed on the ballot for the mayor election; and 64 signatures are needed to run for park board.
The deadline to file the petition with the city auditor is by 4 p.m. on April 9. For more information, contact Harmel at 776-6181.