Emergency management position still vacant
The Pierce County Emergency Management position has remained vacant for nearly two months following the resignation of Duane Veach, who held the part-time job for several years.
The county commission has received only one applicant, according to Karin Fursather, county auditor. The position is split into two primary tasks which includes overseeing the 911 system and working with county commissioners and FEMA personnel during disaster declarations.
Since Veach’s departure at the end of August, the 911 system has been administered by the county’s dispatch 911 supervisor and Fursather has been working to close out the 2009 FEMA paperwork for damaged roads and culverts.
However, it’s evident the position needs to be filled to keep the county current with its emergency planning and also to work with the Local Emergency Planning Committee. One proposal the commission may consider is partnering with a neighboring county to fill the position on a full-time basis. Right now, the position is only budgeted for 15 hours a week. Making the position full time may attract more qualified applicants.
-Staff report