Committee certifies assessments
The City’s special assessment committee certified the assessment listing last week, following an hour-long public hearing on Sept. 28 in which a handful of property owners contested their assessment figures regarding the District 1-2009 street improvement project.
Prior to the meeting, several property owners contacted City Hall to point out errors to their assessments. Karla Harmel, city auditor-administrator, reviewed them, and made corrections where necessary.
The corrected assessment listing will be available for review at City Hall, according to Harmel.
Any property owner may appeal from the action of the assessment committee by filing with the city auditor a written notice of the appeal, stating the grounds upon which the appeal is based.
The Rugby City Council will hold a special meeting on Oct. 19 to confirm the assessment, and at that meeting anyone may appear to present reasons why the actions of the assessment committee should not be confirmed. The council may increase or diminish any such assessments as it deems just, expect the aggregate assessment amount shall not change.