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Public Works Supervisor hired

By Staff | Apr 30, 2009

A public works supervisor has been hired for the city of Rugby.

Brady Barnum was offered, and accepted the full-time position last week.

Barnum, who was residing in the Provo, Utah area, has extensive experience in construction, manufacturing, operating large equipment as well as management and computer skills, said Karla Harmel, city auditor-administrator.

He was one of 10 to interview for the position. He has a bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Phoenix in Provo. Prior to coming to Rugby he worked for Earthtech Testing and Geneva Pipe, both in Utah. Barnum is a native of Green River, Wyoming

The new position would oversee the street, sewer and water departments, handling administrative duties as well as working alongside departmental employees.

A committee began interviewing candidates last year for the position but in January decided to cease the hiring process for a time.

The search resumed once long-time street superintendent Jerome Voeller announced in March he was retiring at the end of April.