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Just one files for Rugby School Board

By Staff | Apr 16, 2009

Two Rugby school board seats expire this June, and neither current office holder filed for re-election.

In fact, just one district resident filed to be placed on the ballot to run for a three-year seat, according to Charlotte Burkhartsmeier, school district business manager.

Rugby resident Steve Mueller filed for the Precinct No. 4 (city of Rugby) seat which is currently held by Alecia Pretzer. Pretzer did not seek re-election.

Neither did Nicholas Schmaltz, whose Precinct No. 2 seat is also expiring. That includes the townships of Dewey, Ness, Walsh, Jefferson, Sandale, Elling, Girard, Hillside, Rosedale, and Alexanter.

Since no one filed, a write-in candidate residing in that precinct would be needed for the three-year term.

Carryover board members included David Anderson, Precinct No. 1; Chuck Volk, Precinct No. 3; and Cory Johnson, Precinct No. 4.

District voters will also be asked whether the minutes of the school board proceedings should be published in the district’s official newspaper – The Pierce County Tribune.

The election is June 9, and polls will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the commons areas near the Charles Hanneman Gymnasium at Rugby Jr.-Sr. High.