Voeller retires from street superintendent post
Jerome Voeller has spent three and half decades working for the city of Rugby.
That tenure will come to an end soon. Voeller, 60, recently submitted his resignation as street superintendent, effective the end of April.
The city street and sewer committee will formally address Voeller’s resignation at its meeting this Tuesday afternoon beginning at 4 p.m.
Voeller began working in 1974, spending a brief time in the water department before moving over to the street department. In April of 1990, he was named street super-intendent. In addition, Voeller served as the city’s forester and building inspector.
Retirement has been on his mind for a while, Jerome admitted.
“I started in April, and I thought this would be a good time to retire,” he said.
It’s been a good, yet challenging, job at times. He admits he won’t miss the early mornings on the snow plow or having to address the occasional complaint from a citizen, which goes with serving in a public role.
Rugby Mayor Dale Niewoehner said Voeller’s departure leaves the city void of an experienced and dedicated employee.
“Jerome has a vast knowledge of the street and sewer systems in our city,” Niewoehner said. “He was a loyal and hard working employee.”
The city has not yet decided when to begin the search for Voeller’s replacement.