Home (to work) for the holidays — Some college students are on the job between semesters
Going to work Monday through Friday might not seem like much of a vacation; however, each year some college students are willing to spend their time off during Christmas break earning a little extra cash.
Nineteen-year-old Danielle Wangler is helping out at the Growing Place Daycare in Rugby during her break from school work and classes. Danielle spent the past two summers working at the daycare.
“It is nice to come back and see the kids again,” said Danielle, who is currently attending Minot State University, pursuing a degree in Special and Elementary Education.
Although she certainly appreciates the paycheck, Danielle said the main reason she got a job over the break was to give her something to do. Danielle is definitely not one to sit around. This past semester she kept herself plenty busy with classes, running cross country for the Beavers, and working at St. Leo’s Daycare in Minot.
Danielle is used to busy days and doesn’t want to get out of the “swing of things” once the new semester rolls around.
“I plan on taking more credits spring semester, and I’ll keep working at St. Leo’s and maybe get a second job, too,” said Danielle.
Besides working, Danielle has spent her vacation hanging out with friends and spending time with family.
“It’s nice to have a long break. There is more time to spend with friends and family and still time for a job,” said Danielle.
There are a few others who have been punching the clock.
Ethan St. Michel is another college student who comes home during the holidays and makes some extra money. Ethan has spent the past several Christmas vacations helping out at his family’s furniture store in Rugby.
Ethan is a third year student at North Dakota State University in Fargo. He gets home each year just as business at the store gets hectic during the weeks leading up to Christmas.
Elizabeth Mack, a freshman at the University of Mary, has been helping out part-time at Only Deals. And Bryce Berginski, a sophomore at Minot State University, has helped at his family’s downtown restaurant — Rockin’ Relics.