– Bobby Gene Olson, Williston, pleaded guilty May 23 in Northeast Judicial District Court to a Felony C charge of possession of a CS-Schedule Hallucinogenic stemming from a Nov. 24 arrest at Larry’s Bar in Selz. Judge Michael Hurly sentenced Olson to a one year, one day term served with the ...
– Shanell Michelle Azure, Belcourt, pleaded guilty in Northeast Judicial District Court to a C felony charge of possession of drug paraphernalia, heroin from a Sept. 9 arrest on March 28. Azure appeared before Judge Michael Hurly at the Pierce County Courthouse. Hurly sentenced Azure to five ...
– Stephanie Renae Prellwitz, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a Feb. 17 B misdemeanor charge of driving under a suspended license in Northeast Judicial District Court on Feb. 23. Judge Michael Hurly sentenced Prellwitz to a 30-day sentence at Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center and ...
– Tiffany Daidre Dennis, Cando, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of drugs filed Sept. 24, 2021, in Northeast District Court before Judge Michael Hurly at the Pierce County Courthouse Jan. 31. Hurly ordered Dennis to complete a chemical dependency ...
– Brooks Jones, Langdon, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under suspension and a B misdemeanor charge of driving while license privilege is suspended or revoked before Judge Michael Hurly in Northeast District Court at the Pierce County Courthouse Monday, Jan. 3. Hurly ...
– Andrew Huwe, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of DUI - .08 percent or greater, second offense in seven years before Judge Michael Hurly in Northeast District Court at the Pierce County Courthouse Oct. 25. Huwe had been cited for the offense Aug. 29. Hurly ordered Huwe to ...
– Erik Keller, Harvey, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of propagation, domestication or possession of protected birds or animals in Northeast District Court at the Pierce County Courthouse Monday, Oct. 12. North Dakota Game and Fish officers filed the charges when they found wild, ...
–Tara Hancock, Minot, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Northeast Judicial District Courty Judge Michael Hurly ordered Hancock to submit to a chemical dependency evaluation, immediately enroll in a treatment program and complete ...
– James Scott Zuck, Rugby, pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of possession of drug paraphernalia in Northeast District Court at the Pierce County Courthouse Monday, Sept. 20.
Judge Michael Hurly ordered Zuck to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and any recommended treatment ...
–Kendra Lorraine Hoeger, Minot, pleaded guilty to a Jan. 25 A misdemeanor charge of failure to appear as a witness or produce information before Northeast District Judge Michael Hurly Aug. 30. Hurly sentenced Hoeger to 14 days at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with ...