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District Court

By Staff | Jan 30, 2021

Gary Vernon Redetzke, Devils Lake, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under suspension. Judge Michael Hurly ordered Redetzke to serve 10 days at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with four days served first and four days to be served by April 25 in 48-hour increments. Redetze was also ordered to pay $550 in fees.

Gaylen Frank Gladue, Dunseith, pleaded guilty to three B misdemeanor charges of theft of property. Gladue served 90 days for the three charges at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with credit for 90 days served. Gladue also pleaded guilty to a C felony charge of burglary. Hurly ordered Gladue to a one-year, one-day term at HACTC with 90 days first served, credit for 90 days served and three years of probation and pay court fees.

Michelle Tennay Hale, Towner, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. Hale was ordered to serve one year of probation with credit for three days served to run concurrent with her sentence. Hale also pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of criminal trespass. Hurly ordered her to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and treatment program, pay $325 in fees and serve 30 days at HACTC with 27 days suspended, credit for three days and 360 days probation.

Bradley Joseph Peltier, Minot, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving while license privilege is suspended. Peltier was ordered to pay $250 in fees.