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District Court

By Staff | Dec 19, 2020

– Waylon Jade Zaste, Belcourt, pleaded guilty to a C felony charge of fleeing a peace officer-vehicle – risk of death or serious bodily injury in Northeast Judicial District Court Dec. 7 at the Pierce County Courthouse. Judge Michael Hurly sentenced Zaste to a 15 month term with the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, with credit for 40 days served. Zaste also pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under suspension. Hurly sentenced Zaste to 30 days confinement at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with credit for 30 days served. The charges stemmed from a four-county pursuit ending just north of Rugby Oct. 28.

– Tyson Manning Covert, Rolla, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving while license privilege is suspended. Hurly ordered Covert to pay $375 in fees.

– Virginia Mary Fassett, St. Michael, pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of failure to appear as a witness or to produce information. Hurly ordered Fassett to pay $600 in fees.

– Gandi Alexis Shaw pleaded guilty to a Dec. 2 A misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence with a minor, .08% or greater, first offense. Shaw was ordered to complete a chemical dependency evaluation immediately and enroll in any treatment recommended. Hurly also ordered Shaw to pay $825 in fees and serve 30 days at HACTC with 30 days suspended and 18 months of probation. Shaw also pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of driving while license under revocation and was ordered to surrender her vehicle’s license plates to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office or transfer the vehicle to a different person within 48 hours. Failure to comply with the order would result in a 10-day jail sentence for Shaw.

– Dennis Conrad Lynnes, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a Dec. 2 B misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors. Hurly ordered Lynnes to serve 10 days at HACTC with 10 days suspended and 360 days probation. Hurly also ordered Lynnes to complete a chemical dependency evaluation within 60 days from the date of the judgment and follow through with any recommendations within 120 days.

– Robert Gage Russell, Miles City, Mont., pleaded guilty to a Nov. 27 B misdemeanor charge of refusal to submit to a chemical test. Russell was ordered to pay $750 in fees. Russell also pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct from the same date. Hurly ordered Russell to pay $225 in fees.