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District Court

By Staff | Nov 7, 2020

— Rob Kenneth Meyer, Balta, pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of driving under suspension. Judge Michael Hurly ordered Meyer to pay $100 in fees and serve 10 days at Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with 10 days suspended. Meyer also pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of false reports to a law enforcement or other security officer. Hurly ordered Meyer to pay $660 in total fees and serve a 10 day sentence at HACTC concurrent with his term for the driving under suspension conviction. That sentence was also suspended.

— Stephanie Renae Prellwitz, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of alcohol in excess of .16 percent. Hurly ordered Prellwitz to pay $1,025 in total fees, complete a chemical dependency evaluation within 90 days of the judgment, follow through with any recommendations made within a 180-day period, and file proof with the court she complied with any recommended treatment. Hurly also sentenced Prellwitz to 30 days in HACTC with 28 days suspended and two days of the sentence converted to 20 hours of community service. Prellwitz also received a probation term of 360 days.