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District Court

By Staff | Oct 17, 2020

— Mark Joseph Hetle, Carrington, pleaded guilty to two A misdemeanor charges of failing to appear as a witness or to produce information. Judge Michael Hurly ordered Hetle to pay $325 in fees for the first charge, and $25 for the second charge.

— Andrew Dwight Johnson, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a B felony charge of manufacture of a controlled substance, marijuana. Hurly ordered Johnson to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and treatment plan, pay $1310 in court fees complete a one year, one day sentence at the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center. Johnson would first serve 91 days of his sentence with credit for 31 days served and receive 30 months of probation. Johnson agreed to turn himself in Oct. 15 to serve a term of 60 days at HACTC. Johnson also pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of theft of property (possession). Johnson received a 30-day sentence at HACTC for the conviction, with 30 days credit for time served. He was also ordered to return a stolen gas can to the owner.

— Jessica Lynn Johnson, Rugby, pleaded guilty to a B felony charge of manufacture of a controlled substance, marijuana. Hurly ordered Johnson to complete a chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment plan, pay $1310 in court fees and complete a one year, one day term at HACTC with 80 days first served, credit for 20 days served and 30 months of probation. Johnson was ordered to serve her sentence in 48-hour increments weekly until 60 days were served, with all days served by Sept. 30, 2021. Johnson also pleaded guilty to a B misdemeanor charge of theft of property (possession) and also ordered to return stolen property to its owner. A trailer connected with Jessica Johnson’s felony charge was forfeited to law enforcement, but a wheelbarrow belonging to Johnson was returned to her.