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DFS awards local students

By Staff | Jul 26, 2019

North Dakota Dollars for Scholars recently awarded scholarships to the following local students:

– Alissa Volk of Rugby High School received a $1,000 Returning Student and Graduate Student Scholarship

– Jacquelyn Blessum of Rugby High School received a $1,000 Returning Student and Graduate Student Scholarship

– Victor Gronvold of Rugby High School received a $1,000 Returning Student and Graduate Student Scholarship

“The North Dakota Dollars for Scholars chapter and the local Dollars for Scholars chapters work together to provide scholarships to North Dakotans. It is a grassroots effort that provides a venue for local communities to raise scholarship funds for their students,” states North Dakota Dollars for Scholars State Director Staci Holzheimer.

North Dakota Dollars for Scholars awarded a total of $96,500 to 88 students across North Dakota. In addition to the statewide scholarships, Dollars for Scholars chapters in 66 North Dakota communities awarded scholarships to more than 1,100 students for over $1.1 million. Students who graduated from a North Dakota high school or were home educated in North Dakota qualify to apply for the scholarships distributed by the statewide North Dakota Dollars for Scholars chapter.

Since the inception of Dollars for Scholars in North Dakota in 1962, more than $39.8 million has been raised by all chapters (local and state) to support higher education for North Dakotans. Bank of North Dakota administers the state chapter which assists local chapters and focuses on offering scholarships to students beyond their freshman year of college.

Businesses and individuals are encouraged to support Dollars for Scholars, whether locally or statewide. Dollars for Scholars is a nonprofit organization which is the largest, volunteer-operated, community-based scholarship foundation in the United States. Visit northdakota.dollarsforscholars.org for a complete list of scholarship winners, donors, chapters and more information.