Second readings approved on policy revisions
In a regular meeting Tuesday morning in the Rugby High School board room, the Rugby Public School District No. 5 Board of Education approved the second reading of revisions to two policies.
The board approved the second reading of an update to the FFA Advisor’s Job Description Policy that would reflect Rugby’s transition from a single head advisor to a co-head advisor program. Changes include co-head advisors being responsible for all FFA events and activities; and being responsible for keeping track of FFA financial matters on a monthly basis (along with the district’s Business Manager).
The board approved the second reading of an update to the district’s Wellness Policy. The update identifies, by position, members of the district’s Wellness Committee, which includes “Counselors, Food Service Staff, Principals, Superintendent, Teachers, Parents and Students.”
Other actions
– The board discussed legislation pertaining to education passed during the recent session of the N.D. State Legislature; the district’s alley reroute and 3rd Ave SW closure proposal; and Academic and CTE scholarship data comparing Rugby High School to the state average.
– The board discussed Wolford School closing. Superintendent Mike McNeff said he commended Wolford School for the years it continued to operate and informed the board that the district was invited to present at a Wolford School Board meeting. McNeff also said that while school district boundaries are getting redrawn, the plan is for the Rugby district to send buses into Wolford.
– The board approved a resolution that would form an account that would accept stocks from the Burgum Foundation. The stocks support 50 percent of tuition costs from NDSU’s Teacher Leadership Academy, which will be taken by 10 teachers from Rugby and 10 from Harvey starting in June.
– The board approved the consent agenda, which included April meeting minutes, bills, financial reports, resignations and open enrollment with the Wolford School District.