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Fedje receives USDGA scholarship

By Staff | Nov 23, 2012

Bismarck Chris Fedje of Rugby received the 2012 U.S. Durum Growers Association’s (USDGA) $1,000 Monroe Scheflo Scholarship. Fedje is a sophomore at North Dakota State University (NDSU) majoring in crop and weed science with a focus on agronomy. He intends to pursue an agriculture-related career following graduation.

Fedje currently serves as vice president of the NDSU Bison Pullers and is a member of the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club. A 2010 graduate of Rugby High School, Fedje was actively involved in FFA and Future Business Leaders of America. He is the son of Andy and Deanne Fedje.

“It is important that USDGA continue to encourage the next generation to pursue careers in agriculture,” says USDGA President Keith Deutsch. “It’s an honor to award this scholarship to a very deserving recipient.”

The Monroe Scheflo Scholarship Fund was established by USDGA in 1985 in memory of Monroe Scheflo, who served as the association’s president from 1982-1984 when he lost his battle with cancer at the age of 43. To qualify for the scholarship, applicants must be from North Dakota, attending college full-time and pursuing a degree in agriculture.

USDGA’s mission is to increase the profitability of durum production through effective market development and promotion and coordinated communication and educational outreach.