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Rugby FFA hosts labor auction

By Staff | Nov 2, 2012

October 13th, 2012 was a big day for Rugby FFA Members and the Rugby FFA Alumni. Each year the Rugby FFA Alumni hosts a supper and auction to raise money. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Rugby FFA Chapter and its members. Many supporters, families, and friends gathered at Dakota Farms to celebrate the successes of the Rugby FFA Chapter. The Rugby FFA Alumni members worked hard gathering donation items and preparing for this fine event. FFA Alumni’s across the nation play a very important part in keeping agricultural education and FFA programs in our local schools. The Rugby FFA relies on its alumni to garner support for FFA in our local communities, raise funds for chapter activities and scholarship, assist at FFA leadership conferences, and much more. “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give”, Winston Churchill. The Rugby FFA Alumni and its members is the epitome of what Winston Churchill said. Because of their dedication to the Rugby FFA Chapter, the Rugby FFA Alumni raised over $7000 at the auction. This money will directly impact the Rugby FFA Chapter and its 166 members.