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New staff at Rugby schools

By Staff | Oct 5, 2012

When schools started classes in Rugby on August 28, students noticed new staff members in various positions. They are: Angie Westphal, high school resource room; Anne Leier, Title I teacher; Chelsey Raymond, kindergarten, Ely Elementary; Kyle Vareberg, Jr. High English teacher and head Speech coach at Rugby High School; Tammy Kruger, district librarian and Laura Swanson, pre-school teacher at Little Flower School.

Angie Westphal

Position: Resource Room

Education: Masters degree in special education from Minot State.

Previous Experience: I have taught in Maddock and Devils Lake

Family: Married to Terry, we have two daughters. Lauren who is 6 years old, and Adalyn is 8 months.

Hometown: Rolette

Hobbies: Enjoy attending sporting events, and outside activities.

Anne Leier

Position: Title I teacher

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education and human development family science from NDSU and VCSU

Previous Experience: 1 year teaching Title I in Watford City.

Family: husband, Kevin Leier

Hometown: Bismarck

Hobbies: Volleyball, piano, cooking and reading

Chelsey Raymond

Position: Kindergarten teacher at Ely Elementary

Education: Minot State University bse elementary education, kindergarten and middle school endorsements, Title I reading and math

Previous Experience: Jr. High teacher at Leeds (2011-12), 2nd grade teacher at Divide County (2010-11)

Family: Husband, Danny. Dog, Lucy. Cat, Linus.

Hometown: Maddock

Hobbies: Singing, volleyball, hunting, riding motorcycle

Kyle Vareberg

Position: Jr. High English & head speech coach

Education: Valley City State University- double major in English education and professional communications-media, with a minor in theatre arts

Previous Experience: Student taught 8th grade at VCHS; 2 years of Speech coaching experience (1 at Barnes County North, 1 at Valley City High School)

Family: Father, Dave, retired. Mother, Shelley, Assembly at Heartland Flax. Sister, Kaylee, 24, sales at Heartland Flax

Hometown: Valley City

Hobbies: Writing, reading, watching movies, traveling

Tammy Kruger

Position: District Librarian

Education: bs in elementary education and library science at Valley City State University

Previous Experience: Newbie, graduated VCSU this last spring

Family: Two parents (both living), half sister, two nieces; the sister and nieces live in Florida, but they are good about calling.

Hometown: Wahpeton

Hobbies: Avid reader (what librarian doesn’t enjoy reading), dabble in the visual arts (but couldn’t make a living off of them), not-so-formally training to be a professional singer (not really, but I can carry a decent tune and definitely have some fun with that talent… even if my bathroom walls hear most of it)

Laura Swanson

Position: Pre-school at Little Flower

Education: Attended Little Flower School through 4th grade, Ely Elementary 5-6, Rugby Jr/Sr High School, NDSU and Moorhead State College.

Previous Experience: Taught at Little Flower School 1997-2002 5th grade, Part-time remedial reading teacher and phy-ed teacher, Substitute teacher. I was a “stay-at-home” mother other than those few years of teaching.

Family: Married to Mike Swanson for 27 years. We have six children aging from 26 years old to 6 years old. They are my pride and joy. All of our children except one daughter live in Rugby. She is married and lives in Dickinson.

Hometown: Rugby. Mike and I lived in Nebraska, Texas and Wisconsin before moving back to Rugby in 1997.

Hobbies: My main hobby has been chasing after children. Our children have been very active in sports and other activities so we ran with them. I enjoy our hobby farm with our animals, gardens, yard work, and especially our children!