School board approves budget amendments
When high school students return to Rugby schools in less than two weeks, there will be a few changes. Not only will the district’s $7.9 million renovation and addition project to RHS be nearly complete, but they will have changes in the lunch program, 45-minute classes in the high school, and open campus will include sophomores through seniors.
The school board approved an open campus for sophomores through seniors so those students may go home for lunch, if they choose. The junior high students (7th and 8th grades) and freshman will have to stay on campus.
The board had already approved 45-minute classes at an earlier meeting and those will be implemented for the 2012-13 school year. This is a trend in many ND schools.
The federally-mandated lunch program will start this year with students provided with specific amounts of each food group on their plates. Concern for children learning healthy eating habits as well as preventing obesity in children were two of the reasons this program was designed. The school has no choice in following the standards set by the government. If a student needs a second helping (e.g. a second piece of meat), it will cost them an additional 50 cents, as set by the board at their August 14 meeting.
As part of their business agenda, the board approved amendments to the FY13 budget and authorized the submission of the FY13 Consolidated Application for Federal Funds. After reviewing the expenditures for all school funds as outlined in the FY13 budget proposal, the board approved the expenditures. The board also approved the presented school revenue budget and dollar requests for the general fund; the presented revenue budget and dollar requests for the special assessment fund; the presented revenue and dollar expenses for the QSCB (construction bonds) sinking and interest fund levy; the presented revenue budget and dollar requests for the Multiyear HVAC/Asbestos/
Required; and the presented revenue budget and mill levy request for the building fund (5 mills) and technology fund (5 mills).
The board acted on elementary staffing concerns. If enrollment goes over capacity in the lower grades, as it might this year, Superintendent Mike McNeff requested that he be allowed to hire a teacher(s) as needed. With registration taking place this week, it will be important to be able to act fast, if there is a continued increase in these specific grade levels. The board approved the request.