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Area coaches receive training from Rugby EMS

By Staff | Aug 20, 2012

Coaches from Rugby Public School and Towner Public School recently received training in head injuries, CPR and basic first aid from Rugby Emergency Medical Services. The class was taught by EMS Education Coordinator Jennifer Reed. Rugby EMS is operated by Heart of America Medical Center.

In accordance with ND Senate Bill 2281, all coaches must now be able to recognize any signs or symptoms of a concussion. This law is due to an increased emphasis on preventing and recognizing head injuries in youth who play high school sports.

“We are so happy to be offering this class to coaches. If this training prevents even one athlete from playing with a concussion or allows the coaches to recognize a possible serious head injury, then our efforts are worthwhile. We want our athletes to be safe so they can enjoy playing sports for years to come,” says Reed.

In addition to being taught signs and symptoms of concussions, the coaches were also taught the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and how to protect players when practicing during high temperatures. By attending this class, each coach is now certified in CPR and basic first aid for sports injuries.