The day was topped off with a big win in the football game with Tri-County and a dance following the game."/>
The day was topped off with a big win in the football game with Tri-County and a dance following the game."/> Leeds crowns Homecoming king and queen | News, Sports, Jobs - The Pierce County Tribune
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Leeds crowns Homecoming king and queen

By Staff | Sep 16, 2011

The 2011 Homecoming king and queen were crowned at Leeds High School on Friday afternoon, Sept. 9. Kendra Leibfried was elected queen and Thomas Urness was elected king.

In competition for the spirit jug, the juniors won in a tight race with the seniors. The classes competed in contests for the best spirit poster and best float in the parade. Games like tug-o-war and the toilet plunger relay rounded out the “Clash of the Classes”, which followed coronation.

The day was topped off with a big win in the football game with Tri-County and a dance following the game.