Tanner Lind places in two art contests
Rugby freshman Tanner Lind, received two second-place awards for his artwork in separate competitons recently.
The first contest he entered was held at Jamestown College in late fall. He had been working on a piece, so he made a few changes and sent it in. He and his parents, Jeff and Michele Lind, were not able to attend because of bad weather. A couple of weeks after the competition he received notification that he had won 2nd place for his artwork “The Tree”. Lind also received a $3,000 scholarship for Jamestown College.
The second contest was the very popular Fish and Wildlife Junior Duck Stamp contest for North Dakota held in mid- March. On April 9, at a reception for contestants, Lind received a second place in the state.
Lind began his interest in art by entering poster contests in the fourth grade. His favorite subjects to draw are landscapes and nature. He enjoys working with colored pencil or acrylic paint the most.
“I take a sketch pad with me everywhere I go,” said Lind with a grin. “In case there is something I want to draw.”
Lind doesn’t get his artistic ability from his parents, Jeff and Michele. However, his ten-year-old sister, Sophie, enjoys drawing and is getting good at it, he said.
He credits his high school art teacher, Terry Jelsing, along with the rest of the Lind family with encouraging him in his art work.
“Mr. Jelsing tells me to keep going,” said Lind. “When you think it (art project) is right, keep looking at it to see if you can make it better.”
Mr. Jelsing offers an Open Studio Night to his students where they can work on unfinished homework for art class or a personal art project if the homework is completed. Lind enjoys Open Studio Night. He follows Jelsing’s advice to “write down ideas and always keep looking for something new.
Is he going to make a career of his art? “I would like to, but you never know what’s going to happen,” he said.
Lind is active in golf, FBLA, Student Council, Science Olympiad, band, and civic orchestra, where he plays the trumpet.