School board supports National Track Coach nominee
The school board approved paying for Athletic Director and Coach Scott Grochow’s trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan as a show of support for all he has done for the athletic program at Rugby. Grochow has received the distinct honor of being named one of six finalists for National Track Coach of the Year. The final six were selected from 54 nominees across the United States.
The school board met on Tuesday, March 8 to conduct regular business.
One of the agenda items was one that was tabled from the last meeting. Cory Johnson and Mark Hamilton made and seconded, respectively, a motion to take the question whether or not the school should sponsor a 5th and 6th grades basketball program off the table for discussion. All board members present agreed that the issue should be up for more discussion. The discussion included the need to get in touch with other schools and set up a playing schedule. It was decided the athletic director and coaches could take care of that. The board voted in favor of a school-supported basketball program for fifth and sixth grades. Susan Schmaltz was absent and not voting.
In further business
Superintendent Jeff Lind was told that his superintendent evaluation revealed that he had met all expectations and that he has done a good job on the building project.
In giving his superintendent’s report for March, Lind provided information on bills going through the legislature that would affect schools. He said there are three different bullying bills being considered. School liabilities in bullying cases are being discerned, as well. He reported that in the case of the 2150 education bill, the supplemental compensation package is out of the bill. The legislators are reportedly working on raising the high school dropout rate from age 16 to 17 citing that sixteen is too young to make such a major decision that affects the rest of a person’s life. The schools continue to explore options for those who would drop out to get an education in an alternative way.
The Rugby School District plans to apply for an intern in special education from Minot State University’s Resident Teacher Program. Lind told the board that the cost would be $16,001 for one year with the agreement that the board would be willing to interview the student after graduation. The board would also have the right to terminate the intern within 30 days of employment for the internship if for some reason he/she didn’t work out. Lind said that this is a good opportunity to get a teacher who has completed all of the regular course work for the degree and has been prepared to be a teacher. The intern would get valuable experience and a small salary and if he/she performs well as a teacher, the possibility of a continuing job. The board agreed and approved the application to the program.
The board had the final reading on the proposed purchasing card program that the school would like to adopt for staff use. This had been discussed in great detail at an earlier meeting.