T-G-U-Towner Homecoming activities set
TGU-Towner will conduct its 2010 Homecoming activities this week which includes dress-up days, a parade, football game and dance. Here’s the list of activities.
Monday, Sept. 20
Dress-up Day: Formal Day, come dressed to impress; Coronation, 2 p.m. in school gym
Tuesday, Sept. 21
Dress-up Day: Team Hat/Jersey Day, dress in favorite sports team.
Wednesday, Sept. 22
Dress-up Day: Senior Citizen Day, rock the polyester and gray hair.
Thursday, Sept. 23
Dress-up Day: Disney Day, wear favorite cartoon charcater
Friday, Sept. 24
Dress-up Day: Titan Spirit Day, wear school colors; parade, 1 p.m.; tailgate party, 6 p.m.; football game, 7 p.m.; dance, 9:30 p.m. to 12 a.m. at school.