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Board, Hartley’s Busing to draft new contract

By Staff | Jun 11, 2010

The Rugby School Board has agreed to negotiate a new contract with its current busing service, Hartley’s Busing of Rugby.

The action was taken at the board’s June 8 meeting. Under law, the board is allowed to negotiate new terms with its existing bus service provider. The current contract is in its fifth year and is scheduled to expire in 2012. Hartley Hagness, owner of Hartley’s Busing, appeared before the board to discuss the current contract and concerns with it, namely rising operating expenditures, including fuel costs and bus driver salaries.

A committee consisting of two board members along with Jeff Lind, school superintendent, will meet with Hartley to discuss framing a new contract. Board members Susan Schmaltz and Chuck Volk will serve on the committee.