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Rugby FFA honors its best

By Staff | Apr 22, 2010

The Rugby FFA chapter celebrated the accomplishments of its members and the rich history of the organization at its 78th annual parent-member banquet held at the Rugby Jr-Sr. High.

The chapter announced an inductee into its Hall of Fame, Jerome Migler.

It presented five honorary chapter degrees to FFA suporters Hartley Hagness, Joe Rameden, Nancy Rameden, Linda Jorgenson, and Lynne Ostrem.

Current members were given awards for achievements throughout the year.

Top food sellers

The top five members who sold the most food items as a chapter fundraiser

were: Andrew Hersey, 1st; Chris Fedje, 2nd; Jeccica Lowman, 3rd; Mike Ostrem, 4th; and Kristen Mundahl, 5th.

Special recognition went to members who went the extra mile. They were: Kayla

Koehmstedt and Tyler Mongeon, Star Greenhands; Josh Stutrud, Star Chapter

Farmer; Mike Ostrem, Star Chapter Agribusiness; Chris Fedje, Star Chapter Placement; Kelsey Mongeon, DeKalb award; Josie Klein, Achievement Award; Zach Rameden, Outstanding FFA Member.


Scholarships were also awarded to seniors. They were: Ed Volk Leadership Scholarship Zach Rameden; Bennie Selland Memorial Scholarship Jacey Shively;

Rugby FFA Meat Science Scholarship Chris Fedje, Andrew Oksendahl, Dustin

Jundt, Brandon Wangler, Taylor Harmel; Rugby FFA Foundation Production Scholarship Christy Mattern; Rugby FFA Foundation Scholarship Kelsey Mongeon.

Proficiency winners

Proficiency Awards were handed out to display the outstanding work by

students in various agriculture fields of study. The applications are submitted to the chapter and then forwarded to the state if they are judged best in the district competition.

Rugby had 16 District winning Proficiencies:

Ag Education – Lucas Schmaltz, Gold

Ag Mechanics Design and Fabrication Andrew Pfeifer, Gold, District Winner

Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Brandon Wangler, Gold, District Winner

Ag Processing Matt Mattern, Gold, District Winner

Agricultural Sales Placement Jacey Shively, Gold, District Winner

Ag Services Skylar Schneider, Gold, District Winner

Beef Production Entrepreneurship Dustin Jundt, Gold, District Winner

Beef Production Placement Christy Mattern, Gold

Dairy Production Placement Justin Fjellanger, Gold, District Winner

Diversified Agricultural Production Placement Christy Mattern, Gold,

District Winner

Diversified Crop Production Placement Chris Fedje, Gold, District Winner

Diversified Livestock Production Placement Andrew Oksendahl, Gold,

Equine Entrepreneurship Jeccica Lowman, Gold, District Winner

Equine Science Placement Jeccica Lowman, Gold, District Winner

Fiber and Oil Crop Production Josh Stutrud, Gold, District Winner

Forage Production Jason Schneider, Gold, District Winner

Grain Production Placement Mike Ostrem, Gold, District Winner

Home and/or Community Development Annie Volk, Gold, District Winner

Poultry Production Placement Jarett Lovcik, Gold, District Winner

Small Animal Production and Care Josie Klein, Silver