Second best for Rugby
Rugby’s bid for another NDCCA winter cheer competition title came up a bit short, but the Panthers’ performance still earned praises from coaches Kari St. Michel and Deanne Nelson.
“They did a good job,’ said St. Michel, Rugby cheer advisor. “They put a lot of time in this routine…quite a bit more difficult stunting and it showed.”
Rugby finished runner-up to Bottineau in the Class B division. T-G-U was third and North Border (Walhalla) fourth.
The judges’ scores were based on a number of elements that must be part of the two-and-a-half minute performance. Those include: cheers, stunts, jumps, tumbling and dance.
St. Michel said those cheer members performing for the first time in a competition stepped up and she also credited her seniors – Paige Haman and Emerald Collins – for their leadership.
While it is a competition, the event is also an opportunity for squads to show off their skills and learn from judges’ and coaches comments to improve.
“You really don’t know what to expect (from the judging), you just do your best,’ St. Michel said.
Cheer members included: Seniors: Emerald Collins, Paige Haman; Juniors: Rachel Allickson, Lindsey Hamilton, Jessica Jaeger, Lexi Everson, Jen Haman, Preston McGath, Steve Mudra; Freshmen: Taylor Everson, Ashley Houim, Tashal Trottier; Eight graders: Kayla Voeller and Shawna Mudra.
Rugby also had members compete in the jump off and stunting group events, but did not place.
T-G-U placed third
Towner-Granville-Upham finished third in the competition – one spot better than a year ago. Team members included: Senior: Emma Rognlien, Towner; Junior: Ashlyn Brummond, Granville; Sophomores: Bethany Ganje, Towner; Amanda Goodman, Towner; Hadley Thompson, Granville; Freshman: Delrae Latendresse, Towner.
The squad also finished second in the stunting group. Ashley Seykora is the team’s advisor.