It was better than OK, it was judged best.

The school received word late last month the video won the contest which was conducted in part through the Department of Transportation's (DOT) Click it Quick campaign and contest. The clip can be viewed by going to www.ndteendrivers."/>
It was better than OK, it was judged best.

The school received word late last month the video won the contest which was conducted in part through the Department of Transportation's (DOT) Click it Quick campaign and contest. The clip can be viewed by going to www.ndteendrivers."/> RHS winner of Teen Driver’s Safety Video contest | News, Sports, Jobs - The Pierce County Tribune
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RHS winner of Teen Driver’s Safety Video contest

By Staff | Mar 4, 2010

Rugby senior Alyssa Berginski admits she was a tough critic when it came to the school’s entry in the N.D. Teen Driver’s Safety Video contest.

“I was picky…I thought it was OK,’ said Berginski, credited with producing the 30-second video clip together.

It was better than OK, it was judged best.

The school received word late last month the video won the contest which was conducted in part through the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Click it Quick campaign and contest. The clip can be viewed by going to

It took about a week for the video to be produced. Senior Kaitlin Blessum and junior Josh Stutrud, fellow members of the student council, assisted in getting photos and video, Berginski said.

The video was in black and white and begins with a teen putting on a seat belt. The next several images show car crashes and consequences of driving without wearing a seatbelt and not focused solely on the road. The final image once again shows the teen buckling up followed by the short message – Think about it.

“A lot of students thought it was pretty good,’ Berginski added.

Maple Valley High School and Tower City was second. Voting on the videos took place on the website.

The DOT launched its teen driver’s website last year with the goal to decrease the number of teen car crashes, which are the leading cause of death among teens in N.D.

The video was just part of the DOT’s Click it Quick contest. Schools that participated received points based on conducting in-school and community activities centered on promoting seatbelt use and safe driving. Colleen Beckman, Click it Quick community coordinator, and Michele Lind, student council advisor, provided help during the contest.

The DOT will announce this Thursday, March 11 which school earned the most points, and earned a party at its school on March 26, including a live band. Rugby was in contention for the top award.