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Rugby performs well at festivals

By Staff | Apr 24, 2009

Rugby instrumental and vocal musicians again turned in strong performances at the Region 4 Music Festivals in Langdon and Cando earlier this month.

Instrumental festival results

In addition to receiving 13 “star ratings” from judges in instrumental categories, the school also earned two outstanding festival performance awards. Theresa Mack was named outstanding soloist, and Mack, Zach Rameden and Alex McClintock were selected as outstanding trumpet trio.

Other students who received star or excellent ratings were; Alyssa Berginski, Mariya Bernhardt, Kristi Black, Alexis Broe, McKenzie Cameron, Shelby Deckert, Josh Dockter, Chelsea Halvorson, Cortney Hill, Laura Hoffert, Rachel Hoffert, Nicole Hooker, Brooks McClintock, Kristin Migler, David Miller, Kelsey Mongeon, Jacie Mundahl, Jacob Nelson, Keenan Sattler, Chris Seaver, Thomas Seaver, Anja Selland, Thomas Swanson and Josh Tank.

String musicians also performed well at a festival in Devils Lake. Soloists receiving stars were: Kristi Black, Madeline Cameron and Crystal Hovland. Those receiving an excellent rating were: Marne Johnson, Abigail Jenkins, Amber Jaeger, and Michael Ostrem. One of the violin ensembles received a star, and three ensembles earned an excellent rating at the event held in Langdon.

Vocal festival results

A number of students earned a star rating at the vocal festival held in Cando.

Those students were: Keenan Sattler, Theresa Mack, Abigail Jenkins, Emerald Collins, Anne Schmaltz, Erica Parcel, Jacob McClintock, Chris Seaver, Jeshua Buckmeier, David Miller, Lucas Schmaltz, Crystal Hovland, Leigha Schmaltz, Tyler Larson, Jacey Shively, Katelyn Berube, Tiffan Fox-Medalen, Emily Schmaltz, Trista Trottier, Kristen Mundahl, Kirstan Salwey, Kassie Stoltman, Paige Haman, and Josh Dockter.

Those musicians earning a star rating will take part in the Class B state music festival on May 2 in Minot.

Music department instructors are Gary Fulsebakke and Daryl Wissink.

-Staff report