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Let’s Cook: Sunny Side Delicacies

By Chuck Repnow - | May 15, 2021

You already know that I enjoy cooking-right? I have another passion in life and that is making people laugh. I inherited this from my Dad; he was a natural at it and his customers appreciated his sense of humor. Making people laugh brings forth the great joy of seeing giggling faces. A quick one-liner can express that you care, and laughter is a mood lifter.

The pandemic has shined a shrewd light upon us for over a year. I have observed some small personal break-throughs which occur when people share a moment of laughter. Instantly that cloud of darkness shifts away and the insightful sunshine comes shining through. This moment lets us know that life is still good. The pleasure that comes with the act of chuckling is a so refreshing and healthy; an affirmation of humanity–proof that difficult times can’t keep us downcast.

Are you ready for a good laugh? I do hope that this column will completely “crack you up.” In fact, it could honestly “shell out” some useful information. Maybe when you are finished reading it you will have found it to be “a peeling.” I certainly don’t want any information to be “hard-boiled” and my pure intent is to leave you feeling “Sunny side up.” By now you have probably guessed “eggsactly” what the subject of this column is going to be! If you didn’t figure it out, please don’t “brood” over it!

Eggs are the subject of this column. Eggs are wonderful to use year-round in menu planning. Nature’s egg, a nutritional masterpiece, supplies high quality protein with few calories. Eggs are a great source of vitamin A, the B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin-and we cannot forget about Vitamin D. There is even more because eggs contain the essential minerals-iron and phosphorus. How was that for a “hen house” of information?

We enjoy eggs cooked and served many ways. When we are in doubt of what to serve for a meal, out comes the egg poacher, the toaster and some home canned cherry sauce. If we really want to live it up, we make egg coffee too! Eggs are quick to make and serve, and they offer something good for everyone naturally.

Lately we have been enjoying deviled eggs. Nothing lights up a pot luck like delicious deviled eggs. I have seen grown men who seldom smile even beam when they know that deviled eggs are being served. If you know people who are constantly frowning, do what smart cooks do–prepare deviled eggs and look out because the room will come alive with smiles.

How many of you have good luck with boiling eggs? I learned early on that an egg should never be boiled, just simmered until it is done. Boiling eggs at high temperature can simply ruin them. They will be tough, strongly flavored and not enjoyed by anyone. My preferred method is to start by covering eggs with a ¢ inch of cold water. Bring them to a simmer barely making bubbles for 5 minutes. Next turn off the heat and let them rest for 15 minutes. Then quickly cool by running cold water over them.

Immediate cooling of hard-cooked eggs makes their shells easier to remove. Tap the egg against a hard surface and crack the shell in many places; then roll the egg between your hands to further crack the shell. Peeling of the shell is significantly aided when done under cold running water; this also prevents tiny bits of shell from clinging to the egg and getting into the dish you are concocting. It is best to use eggs that have aged a week or more.

Here are a few tips that I have learned about eggs.

– Eggs should be store with the pointed end down to keep the yolk centered and keep bacteria as far as possible from the yolk.

– Eggs keep best in their carton and stored inside the refrigerator–not in the door.

– Never store eggs next to highly flavored foods such as fish or onions. Due to the porous nature of their shells, the eggs will absorb these flavors.

– Never wash eggs before storing them in the refrigerator. Nature has provided an invisible, protective coating over the outside of the shell which acts as a bacteria barrier.

– If possible, eggs should always be allowed to warm up to room temperature before using. This usually takes about ¢ hour. During these 30 minutes, do a few sits up and leg bends which will help you look better at the class reunion.

– Having the eggs warmed slightly prevents breakage of the shell if you are boiling them.

– Every breakfast table can benefit from a good standup “yolk” and they will be nice and high if they are warm!

Here are two deviled egg recipes that we enjoy.

Sunny Deviled Eggs

8 hard-cooked eggs

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon prepare mustard

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

3 to 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise

Cut eggs in half lengthwise; remove yolks. Mash yolks and combine with remaining ingredients. Beat until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed. Refill whites. Garnish as desired.

Harbor Style Stuffed Eggs

6 hard-boiled eggs

7 to 8 ounces of crabmeat thawed and flaked

1/2 cup finely chopped celery

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1/4 cup finely chopped green onions with tops

1 tablespoon minced parsley

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon Lawry’s Season Salt

Cut eggs in half lengthwise; remove yolks. Mash yolks and combine with crabmeat, celery, lemon juice, onion, parsley, mayonnaise, salt and Lawry’s. Chill well. At serving time, stuff egg whites with crabmeat mixture and garnish as desired. These are filling and can be served as a salad or hors d’ oeuvre.