Thursday, Nov. 18, 1937
Two fine deer were brought in from the Turtle Mountain district Tuesday evening, Senator Gronvold and Obert Blessum having the honor of being the first to return with the coveted prizes which are being sought by many hunters these days. Considerable doubt seemed to exist in the minds of friends around town as to whether the senator would be able to draw a close enough bead to bring down a deer, but by gum-he showed ’em.
Thursday, Nov. 15, 1962
Tonight at the armory you can see good basketball and hear good music. The Harlem Stars, with some former Trotter greats on their team, will play a New York team, and during intermission the famed “Ink Spots” quartet will entertain.
Local sponsors of the show are the Rugby Jaycees.
Monday, Nov. 16, 1962
Chippewa Falls, Wisc., native Jim Pernau, 39, has been named administrator of Rugby’s Johnson Clinic. He began work here November 5.
Prior to moving to Rugby, Pernau was the associate director of operations of the Midefort Clinic at Eau Claire, Wisc. The clinic there has 90 physicians.
All told, he has worked 10 years in clinic administration. His undergraduate degree is from Illinois Wesleyan, and he has a master’s degree in health administration from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
He and his wife, Kriss have two sons, Nathan, 17, a senior at Chippewa Falls, and Jason, 13.