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By Staff | Oct 20, 2012

Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937

Apportionment checks totaling $280,000 are being distributed to North Dakota counties for highway aid by the state treasurer’s office. The state highway department’s share for the third quarter was $560,000.

Counties received one-third of the total monies collected under the North Dakota three cent gasoline tax. The highway department received the balance, said Treasurer John Gray.

Pierce county received $3,079.26.

Thursday, Oct. 11, 1962

Three members of the Rugby fire department, Bill Crook, Curtis Loucks and Bud Williams, spent about a half hour at the grade school Tuesday to demonstrate the use of fire extinguishers and to talk evacuation procedures. They had been invited by principal Jim Kappel.

“What worries us,” a fireman said, “is what may happen on a night when there is an operetta or something and a fire breaks out which may shut off the lights. A panic in the dark could kill a lot of people.” Fire drills and battery lanterns at the exits were among fireman’s suggestions.

Monday, Oct. 12, 1987

The Pierce county commission voted last week to file a letter of protest to Governor George Sinner regarding an administrative change in one area of the state’s child support program.

The county board discussed the letter of protest at a meeting last Tuesday. Fred Woodiwiss, Minot, met with the board to explain the “incentive program” changes.

Woodiwiss said the Department of Human Services has cut in half the payments counties receive through the child support program for handling funds.

The payments have been 7.5 percent of the child support funds which pass through the clerk of court’s office in each county. For Pierce county, that has meant about $1200 in revenue so far this year-revenue which would be cut to around $600 so far under new rules promulgated by the Department as of July 1.

The change was made without notification to the counties and the commission will ask Governor Sinner to hold hearings on the issue