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By Staff | Sep 16, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 9, 1937

Although Pierce county is not a heavy producer of potatoes for commercial sale, it has been included in the consideration of the work being done toward establishing a potato marketing agreement.

Growers who produce potatoes on a commercial scale are asked to meet at the Memorial building at 2 p.m., Monday, September 13, to discuss the proposed agreement and to vote whether or not they are in favor of it.

The county agent with representative producers will attend a meeting at Grand Forks Friday, September 10th, to get full details of the plan.

Thursday, Sept. 6, 1962

In gratitude for the blessings of the year the Pleasant Lake Methodist Church is holding a Harvest Festival on September 9.

The day’s activities will begin with Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. The worship service will begin at 11:30 a.m., with the pastor, Rev. Lawrence Hoganson, giving a special harvest message. The Burton family will provide special music. The offering of the day will be taken during the morning service. Half of this will be sent to Walter Mason, a missionary in Chile, and half will go to the Home for the Aged at Mandan.

Friends of the church are cordially invited to share in observing the Harvest Festival.

Monday, Sept. 7, 1987

According to a preliminary report, the city of Rugby’s population has decreased from 3,365 in 1980 to 3,016.

The report comes from a special census taken during the spring.

City Auditor Howard Burns said the city has the opportunity to dispute the census, and the city council will discuss figures from the report at its monthly meeting Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m.

A total of 154 vacant units were reported, and Burns said a discrepancy could occur in that total. Burns said the population of Rugby could increase or decrease by approximately 15 people.

John Heilman has been appointed by Mayor Dave Shelver to represent the city on the check of the pre-census totals.