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By Staff | Aug 20, 2012

Thursday, August 19, 1937

Gerald Lampson was unusually surprised as victim of a “baby shower” when members of the F.F.A. (Reported-Future Fathers of America) gathered at the Louis Hjelmstad home Thursday evening, and presented him with many useful baby gifts and wishes for good luck.

After an evening spent socially and considering all angles of fatherhood, they went home, hoping that they eased the worries of at least one married man.

Hosts were Mr. Hjelmstad, Hardis Elefson and Leo Haley.

Thursday, August 16, 1962

City police picked up a man who said he was from the state of Maine and that his name was was Truman Charles Canning, and that he had some things on him, which the police officers figure he “lifted” from stores in town. He was picked up as he was trying to sell some of this stuff at one of the town’s bars Tuesday evening. He had a flashlight and binoculars, which had been taken from Vic & Eddie’s, but he also had another powerful, new set of binoculars, which no one has claimed. And he also had a lantern-type flashlight, a police officer said.

Monday, August 17, 1987

Wayne Osterlie, president of First American Bank of Rugby, recently received notification that the Otto Bremer Foundation at their July meeting approved a $45,000 grant to the Good Samaritan Hospital Association, Rugby. This grant will be paid out at $15,000 a year over the next three years.

Chuck Schulz, GSHA executive director, announced the funds will be used to remodel six rooms, two per year, in the acute care unit of the hospital. The renovations will include all new furnishings, electric beds and windows. Additional rooms will be remodeled as funds are available.

Schulz said Wayne Osterlie, Bill Parker and Ken Solberg assisted in securing the grant.