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By Staff | Jul 9, 2012

Thursday, July 8, 1937

Work on the street surfacing job here was held up temporarily because a supply of oil had not arrived, but was resumed last weekend and it is expected that work will be finished this week, according to Robert Cohen, foreman for the Megarry Brothers Construction company.

The original job included the surfacing of 30 blocks of the city’s streets with a blacktop preparation. Equipment is set up in the west end of the city for the purpose of mixing the oil, tar, and gravel mixture.

Besides the original surfacing project, the city council decided to undertake surfacing of a short stretch of road between the residential district and the Good Samaritan hospital. This work was done in the latter part of last week when a coat of oil and tar was applied.

Mayor C.N. Knudson said that he hoped a further surfacing project may be carried out in the residential districts within a few years.

Thursday, July 5, 1962

Elmer Rasmuson of M.J. McGuire, Inc., Rugby, recently attended a Ford dealership management seminar in Chicago.

He was among a group of Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealers enrolled in the course. The seminar program, established as an aid for company dealers, is operated by professional, full-time instructors. The course covers organization, policies and procedures of all departments of a dealership. Emphasis is given to management of people and capital. Each dealer takes an active part in developing a plan of action designed to improve the performance of his dealership.

Monday, July 6, 1987

Virgil Lemar was appointed sheriff by the Pierce County Commissioners Wednesday morning to fill the void left by the resignation of Dennis Hendricks.

Lemar, who was deputy sheriff under Hendricks for two-and-a-half years, will complete the remaining year and a half of the term until the general election in Nov. 1988.

Lemar will receive an annual salary of $18,650, the same salary Hendricks received when he was elected.

Hendricks’ resignation went into effect at midnight on Wednesday. Yet, the commissioners had an option to reappoint Hendricks as sheriff.

Hendricks had submitted his resignation last month, when he thought he had received a sheriff’s job in Minnesota. That job would’ve included benefits. There are no benefits in Pierce County for the sheriff’s position.

However the job fell through and Hendricks said he would return if the board would at least consider some benefits.

After the appointment of Lemar, the commissioners did not feel they could afford to give benefits to the sheriff’s position at a time when the economy is down in Pierce County.