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‘Relay’ a success

By Staff | Jun 5, 2009

The sixth annual Pierce County Relay For Life didn’t surpass last year’s fundraising total, but nevertheless, it was still a success, according to Cindy Thompson, event chairperson.

The total amount raised was $48,283.84, and since the local relay began in 2004, more than $250,000 has been raised for cancer research.

Twenty-one teams – one more than last year -took part in the relay, which was held May 29-30 at Rugby’s Johnsen Field. Weather conditions were near perfect, and a number of individuals and organizations volunteered to make it a fun-filled event.

The top fundraising team was HAMC Broccoli Heads, which collected just shy of $5,000. Angie Busch was the top individual fundraiser at $1,084.

Rugby resident Tom Childress was the honorary cancer survivor, and he shared remarks during the opening ceremony.