A dose of humor
If laughter is the best medicine, then Tommy Moller is serving up a healthy dose each week as a volunteer at Rugby’s Heart of America Medical Center’s (HAMC) long term care unit.
Moller likes to share a laugh or a joke with the long term care residents he serves, and the staff. “Everyone needs a little humor,” said Tommy, who has been volunteering for the past five years.
On Tuesday afternoons Moller can be seen pushing the popcorn cart around with fellow volunteer Loren Smith on the second and third floors, going into residents’ rooms, passing out bags of popcorn.
“I tell them we’re the best-looking popcorn cart workers up here during the winter,” Moller said. “Of course, we are the only ones.”
On Thursdays he calls out numbers during bingo games, providing a little humor along the way.
“Those are his two regular duties, but so many times he comes for other projects going on,” said Linda Duchscher, HAMC volunteer services coordinator. “He’s such a wonderful and dedicated volunteer.”
Moller’s wife, Gwen, who plays piano on Thursday evenings at the long term care unit, gets the credit, Tommy said, for his volunteering at the medical center.
“I came up one day to fill in for her when she couldn’t make it, and I’ve kept coming,” he said. “I enjoy it. You get acquainted with many people, get to love them.”
Sadly, though, some of those residents Tommy has gotten to know over the years have passed on. And he admits it’s difficult to one day see them and the next they no longer are there. It’s something many long term care volunteers have to cope with.
Duchscher said Moller’s sense of humor and personality makes him a popular fellow. “They love him up there,” she said.
When he’s not giving his time at the HAMC, he remains busy at his shop in York, often getting up early and driving there. His trades include blacksmith, machinist and welder as well as farmer. “I tell people I’m not retired,” he said. “I don’t have time to.”