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By Staff | Jul 15, 2011

Karli Marie Schevingand Zachary Nelson Finney, along with their parents,are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.

Parents of the couple are Roger and Tammy Scheving and Jane Finney, all of East Grand Forks, and Duane and Rhonda Finney of Anna Maria Island, Fla. Grandparents are Lawrence and Madeline Dufault, Gentilly, Minn., Charles and Lotus Scheving, Maple Lake, Minn.,Helen Drege, Rugby, and the late Lester Drege, andMaury and Faith Finney, East Grand Forks.

Karli and Zach are 2007 graduates of Senior High in East Grand Forks and 2011 graduates of the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Karlireceived a bachelor of business administration degree in financial marketsand is employed at JNBAFinancial Advisors, Bloomington, Minn.

Zachary earned abachelor of applied arts degree in social studies and secondary education.He will student teach this fall at Jefferson High School in Bloomington.

A wedding is planned for July 29, 2011, at 4 p.m., at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, East Grand Forks, with a dinner and dance to follow at the Ramada Inn, Grand Forks. All friends and family are invited to attend the dance beginning at 9 p.m.